Java is an Object Oriented Programming language initially developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is also a platform independent language.Java is used to built Web Application, Enterprise Application, Desktop Application and even a Mobile Application.
Spring is an open source application development framework. Also Spring provides container to create and manage objects and also provides enterprise services to those objects. Spring works on IOC (inversion of control) or DI (dependency injection) design pattern.
Spring is an open source application development framework that lets you create a stand-alone, production ready Spring application that is ready to run.
Hibernate is an ORM used to connect to database using Java. Hibernate provides a framework for mapping object-oriented model to a relational database. Hibernate is an ORM used to connect to database using Java.
Hadoop is an Open Source framework which is used to store and process data which is really huge. Hadoop stores data in stand alone systems or commodity hardwares that can be retrieved using simple commands like SQL.
HIVE is used to analyse large data stored in Hadoop. HIVE provides an SQL like feel for developers who are familier with SQL.
Algorithm can be defined as step by step instruction to solve a problem. In this tutorial we have combined Data Structures with Algorithms and explained almost all the topics in the most easiest way possible. We have written the codes in Java and explained them line by line with dry run that is super simple to understand.
Python is a High Level Programming Language which is quite easy to read and write, as code written in Python is quite similar to plain English and Mathematics. Also Python code is quite easy to write due to its simple syntax as the lines of code we write in Python is quite less when compared to other Programming languages. .
Go is a fast compiled programming language that is statically typed. Go was designed by Google by Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, and Ken Thompson. Go is concurrent by default and has a Garbage collector that prevents from large errors by preventing memory leak.
Kotlin is a High Level Programming Language which is mostly used to develop Android applications. Also Kotlin is 100% compatible with java. Which means existing java libraries can be used in Kotlin applications. And for the multiple platform support, Kotlin works seamlessly in Windows, Mac, Linux e.t.c.
C# is considered as one of the most popular language in the World. As the syntax and features of c-sharp is quite similar to C++ and java. It becomes easy for C++ and java programmers to learn C#. Also C# is an Object Oriented Programming Language that gives a proper structure to your project.
Ruby is an Object Oriented Programming language developed in 1993. Ruby is a server-side scripting language that can be easily embedded into an existing HTML.
C++ is a High Level Programming Language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ was one of the oldest language that is easy to read and write.
HTML abbreviated as Hyper Text Markup Language is used for creating Web pages. It contains a set of elements that is used to display the contents of the webpage.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is often used to determine, how HTML elements wouldbe displayed on a webpage. It can also be used to set the colors, fonts in a webpage.
JavaScript is a programming language of web. It is quite lightweight and executes in the browsers of the webpage. Java Script can be used to change and update the contents of a webpage.
JQuery is a light weight JavaScript library that is present in a single JavaScript file. JQuery code is quite easy to write due to its simple syntax.