
HTML - Basic

HTML abbreviated as Hyper Text Markup Language is used for creating Web pages.

What is HTML?

HTML as abbreviated as Hyper Text Markup Language, has a set of elements that is used to display the contents of the webpage.

In the coming tutorials, we will be learning more about the HTML elements.

First HTML Application

Let us write our first HTML Application which just prints 'Hello World' on the screen.

Example :

		<p>Hello World</p>

Output :

  1. In the above code we are printing 'Hello World' using the below statement :

    <p>Hello World</p>

    We do not have to dig much into individual elements in the output statement for now. We can just remember, <p> and </p> are called elements that is used to print something on the screen.

    As 'Hello World' is placed inside <p> and </p>. The output is printed on the screen.

  2. HTML is used to construct a web page.

    Since, HTML is used to construct a web page. All HTML codes should be written inside '<html>' and '<body>' tags,


  3. <p> element is placed inside the <html> and <body> element.

    Inside the <html> and <body> tags, we have placed this <p> and </p> tag/element(<p> can be abbreviated as paragraph).

    And we have placed 'Hello World' inside <p> and </p> tag/element. And 'Hello World' is displayed in the screen.