
HTML - JavaScript

You might have noticed there are buttons in websites. On clicking it some action is performed.

This can be achieved using javascript.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language commonly used with HTML to develop dynamic web pages.

Let us understand it with the below example.

Example :

        	function display() {
        		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";
    	<button onclick="display()">Click me</button>
    	<p id="myPara"></p>

Output :

Note : If you don't understand the explanation for the above code. No worries! We have a dedicated tutoria for JavaScript.

So, if you look at the above output, there is a button named Click me. On clicking it the text, Hello!! How are you? is displayed just below it.

Now, let us look at the code and understand how it happens.

  1. The <button> element has an attribute called 'onclick'.

    HTML JavaScript

  2. The 'onclick' attribute has the value 'display()'.

    HTML JavaScript

  3. The value of attribute i.e. 'display()' is called function in JavaScript. Which is defined within the <script> tag.

    		function display() {
    			document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

  4. So, when you click on the button, the function display() is called.

    function display() {
    	document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

  5. Inside the function display() there is the below line.

    document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

  6. And what happens, we get the element with Id 'myPara'(With getElementById("myPara")).

  7. And found that there is a <p> element with the Id 'myPara'.

    <p id="myPara"></p>

  8. And the contents of the <p> element is filled with the text 'Hello!! How are you?'. And thus you see the output.

Where to put script tag in HTML?

The <script> tag is placed inside the <head> tag.

In the above example, we have seen the use of <script> tag.

	function display() {
		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

And the <script> tag is placed inside the <head> tag.

		function display() {
			document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

Ways of using JavaScript in HTML

There are two ways you can use JavaScript in HTML :

  1. Internal JavaScript

  2. External JavaScript

How to use Internal JavaScript in HTML?

Internal JavaScript can be added using the <script> tag in the HTML file itself. We can write the JavaScript code within the <script> tag and it gets added.

Let us take the same example we have used above.

Example :

        	function display() {
        		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";
    	<button onclick="display()">Click me</button>
    	<p id="myPara"></p>

Output :

In the above example, we have placed the JavaScript code within the <script> tag. This is internal to the HTML file and is called Internal JavaScript.

	function display() {
		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

And the <script> tag is placed within the <head> tag.

		function display() {
			document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

Next, let us look at the external JavaScript file.

How to link external JavaScript file in HTML?

An external JavaScript file has .js extension and can be defined as an independent file.

To understand external JavaScript, let us take the above example,

Example :

        	function display() {
        		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";
    	<button onclick="display()">Click me</button>
    	<p id="myPara"></p>

Now, what we would do is, take the JavaScript code that is within the <script> tag,

	function display() {
		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

And place the JavaScript code in an external file named myScript.js.


function display() {
    document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";

Now, that we have placed the code in an external file named 'myScript.js'. The next task is to place it inside the HTML file.

Example :

    	<script src="myScript.js">
    	<button onclick="display()">Click me</button>
    	<p id="myPara"></p>

So, in the above example, we have included the external file myScript.js using the src attribute of the <script> tag.

<script src="myScript.js">

Now, for your information, JavaScript can be disabled in a computer. And there can be scenarios where the user can disable JavaScript in their computer.

In such cases the above example would not work as expected. The user would click on the button and nothing happens.

To avoid these scenarios there is a tag called <noscript> tag.

Noscript tag

The text inside the noscript tag would be displayed if JavaScript is disabled in user's system.

Example :

        	function display() {
        		document.getElementById("myPara").innerHTML = "Hello!! How are you?";
    	<noscript>JavaScript is not supported</noscript>
    	<button onclick="display()">Click me</button>
    	<p id="myPara"></p>

Now, if JavaScript is disabled in user's machine the message JavaScript is not supported would be displayed in the browser of that user's machine.