The details tag or <details> tag in HTML is used to show and hide a content on click.
There were no tags in HTML that could be used to show and hide a content on click. With the details tag in semantic tags we can show and hide a content in HTML.
By default the contents of the details tag is hidden. When we click on the text it gets displayed.
There is a summary tag used along with the details tag.
Let us see the details tag in use with the below example.
<html> <body> <details> <summary>Click here to show</summary> <p>This is the content that is hidden from the user. Only on click it opens.</p> </details> </body> </html>
So, if you look at the above code. We have placed the content,
<p>This is the content that is hidden from the user. Only on click it opens.</p>
Inside the details tag.
<details> <summary>Click here to show</summary> <p>This is the content that is hidden from the user. Only on click it opens.</p> </details>
The details tag contains a summary tag.
<summary>Click here to show</summary>
And only the contents of the summary tag would be visible to the user. When we click on the text inside the summary tag, the contents of the <p> tag would be displayed. And on clicking it again, the contents of the <p> tag would be hidden.