
Split() - Method

Split() Method

The Split() Method is used to split a string based on the value provided.

Example :

public class MyApplication
    public static void Main(string[] args)
       	string x = "Hello Beautiful World";
	    string[] str = x.Split(' ');
	    foreach (var s in str) {  

Output :


So, in the above code, we have a String Hello Beautiful World initialised to a variable x.


Then we have used the split() function on the variable x.

string[] str = x.Split(' ');

So, the Split() function converts the String, Hello Beautiful World to an Array, separated by a space (i.e. ' ').

And initialises the array to the variable str.


So, if you see the above String, Hello Beautiful World.

Hello, Beautiful and World are separated by a space (i.e. ' ').

So, an array is formed with Hello, Beautiful and World.

But what if the Strings are separated by @ or any other symbol.

Say, the below String is separated by @.


Now, if you want to form an array with Hello, Beautiful and World. You can use Split() function providing the separator @ as argument.

'Split()' Method using separator as an argument

Example :

public class MyApplication
    public static void Main(string[] args)
       	string x = "Hello@Beautiful@World";
	    string[] str = x.Split('@');
	    foreach (var s in str) {  

Output :


So, in the above code, we have a String Hello@Beautiful@World initialised to a variable x.


Then we have used the Split() function with the separator @ as argument on the variable x.

string[] str = x.Split('@');

So, the Split() function converts the String, Hello@Beautiful@World to an Array, separated by the separator (i.e. @).

And initialises the Array to the variable str.
