
ContainsAny() FUNCTION

ContainsAny() Function

The ContainsAny() Function returns true, if any 1 letter of the searched substring matches.

Let us clear with the below example

Example :

package main
import "fmt"
import "strings"
func main() {
    x := "Beautiful"
    y := strings.ContainsAny(x, "tp")
    if (y == true) { 
        fmt.Println("Any one of the letter 't' or 'p' is present in the String")  
    } else {
        fmt.Println("None of the letter 't' or 'p' is present in the String")

Output :

 Any one of the letter 't' or 'p' is present in the String

In the above code, we have declared a String 'Beautiful' and assigned it to a variable 'x'.

x := "Beautiful"


And we would be searching if any 1 letter, either 't' or 'p' is present in the String "Beautiful".

y := strings.ContainsAny(x, "tp")

And we can see that the letter 't' is present in the String "Beautiful".


And the below output is printed.

Any one of the letter 't' or 'p' is present in the String