

Reversal of a Set can be done using reversed() method. It is independent of the alphabets. And is not a sort. It is just a reversal.

Example :

fun main() {
    var x = mutableSetOf("Mohan", "Kriti", "Salim")
    var y = x.reversed()
    println("The Set in reversed order is "+y)

Output :

  The Set in reversed order is [Salim, Kriti, Mohan]

So, in the above code we have created a Set and initialised to the variable x.

var x = mutableSetOf("Mohan", "Kriti", "Salim")

Below is how the values are positioned in the Set,


Then we have used the reversed() Function to reverse the elements of the Set x.

var y = x.reversed()

And the Set x gets sorted in reverse order with Salim as the first value, Mohan second and Kriti as the third.


And we get the below output.

The Set in reversed order is [Salim, Kriti, Mohan]