
subSequence() FUNCTION

subSequence() Function

The subSequence() Function is used to return a new string starting from the start and end index.

Example :

fun main() {

    var x = "Hello Girl"
    var y = x.subSequence(6, 10)

Output :


In the above code, we have declared a String 'Hello Girl'.

var x = "Hello Girl"


Now, we will extract the substring 'Girl' from the String 'Hello Girl'.

So, we have used the 'subSequence()' to extract the substring 'Girl'.

var y = x.subSequence(6, 10)


So, the substring 'Girl' starts from index/position '6' to '9'. But to extract 'Girl',we have used '6' to '10'(And not '9').

var y = x.subSequence(6, 10)

Looks little weird?

Well! This is how it is.

Just remember, the end index should be the (End index value + 1). i.e. The end index for 'Girl' is '9' but we have used '10'.