
keys( ) FUNCTION

The keys( ) Function is used to Iterate a 'Dictionary' and display the 'Keys' .

Example :

x = {
    5 : "Is a Number", 
    "John": "Is a Name", 
    "Python": "Is a Language"
for i in x.keys():

Output :


So , in the above code we have created a 'Dictionary' using braces '{ }' and 'Key' and 'Value' pairs.

x = {
    5 : "Is a Number", 
    "John": "Is a Name", 
    "Python": "Is a Language"

And initialised to the variable 'x' .


In the next line we have used the 'for loop' to Iterate through the 'Dictionary' just to get the 'Keys' .

for i in x.keys():

Now , since there is a 'Key' and 'Value' pair in a 'Dictionary' , we have used the 'keys( )' Function, that will only print the 'Keys' and not the 'Values' .

And if you see the Output , just the 'Keys' are printed.

Output :
