
rstrip( ) FUNCTION

rstrip( ) Function

The rstrip( ) Function is used to remove any unwanted character from the right side of the String with Space by default.

Example :

x = "   Hello  "
y = x.rstrip()

Output :

   Hello World

In the above code, we have declared a String '  Hello ' with leading and trailing spaces.

x = "  Hello "


Then we have used the 'rstrip( )' function to remove the unwanted spaces from right side only.

y = x.rstrip( )


So, the unwanted spaces are stripped out from the right side of the String.

Now, let us say you want the fill the right blocks with something other than spaces.

Example :

x = "**Hello@ir"
y = x.rstrip('ri@')

Output :


In the above code, we have declared a String '**Hello@ir' with some unwanted characters (i.e. '@, i, r') on the right side.

x = "**Hello@ir"


So, we have used the 'rstrip( )' function to remove the unwanted characters i.e. '@, i, r' from the right side.

y = x.rstrip('ri@')


And '@, i, r' are stripped out from the right side of the String.