
HIVE Partitioning

The concept of partitioning in HIVE is to divide a table into parts based on the value of one or more columns.

For example if we want to search for a particular city(say Bangalore) in our Employee table, we write a sql query with 'where' clause as stated below :

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE city = "Bangalore";

Now, the entire table has to be scanned to get this information. If the data is small it would be justified but HIVE is meant for huge data. So what we can do is partition the city based on 'Bangalore'. And what would happen is all Bangalore related data would go to that partition.

Similarly if we partition the city based on 'Delhi' all 'Delhi' related data would go to another partition.

Now if the same query is triggered, it would be quite easy for HIVE. It can go to that particular partition and get the data without scanning the entire table.


CREATE TABLE <tablename> (column1 datatype, column2 datatype,....,columnN datatype)
PARTITIONED BY(column11 datatype,column12 datatype,...,columnMN datatype)


We are creating a new Employee table with partitioning concept.

CREATE TABLE new_employee (emp_id string, name string, salary int)
PARTITIONED BY (city string)

So, we have created a new table named new_employee with columns emp_id, name and salary. The fourth column 'city' is declared as the partitioned column.

Now lets say we have a file named employee.csv in '/data/mypath/employee.csv' location in HDFS. So, in order to load the data to the partitioned table, we need to use the below command :

LOAD DATA INPATH '/data/mypath/employee.csv'
INTO new_employee

So, what HIVE does is creates a directory 'new_employee', then creates a subdirectory


Inside this subdirectory lies all data related to the city, Bangalore.


And yes, the column name along with it's value 'city=Bangalore' becomes a subdirectory.

How to trigger a query for a partitioned table?

In the above partitioned table 'new_employee' we have a partitioned column called 'city'.Although its a partitioned column but looks like a normal column to us.If we run :

DESCRIBE new_employee;

The output would be :

emp_id string
name string
salary in
city string

Also if we trigger a SELECT query, the city column behaves like any normal column.

SELECT emp_id,name,salary,city FROM new_employee WHERE city = 'Bangalore';

So for us it looks like a normal column. But with this technique HIVE can fetch data much faster.