
charCodeAt() - FUNCTION

charCodeAt() Function

The charCodeAt(..) function is used to return us the ascii code of a particular character of a String if we supply it with index value.

Say, if we want to know the ASCII code of the letter/character that is present at 2nd index of the String "World".

Assuming the count starts from 0.

Example :


	var firstString = "World"
	var pos = firstString.charCodeAt(2)
	document.write("The ASCII code of the character is : ", pos)

Output :

  The ASCII code of the character is : 114

So, in the above code, we have a String World initialised to a variable x.


Then we have used the charCodeAt() Function to get the ASCII code of the letter at index 2.

var pos = firstString.charCodeAt(2)

And as we can see, the letter at index 2 is r. And the ASCII code for r is 114.

So, 114 is taken and put into the variable pos.
