The show() Effect is used to make the hidden element visible.
<html> <head> <title> My First Programme </title> <script src = ""> </script> </head> <body> <h1> JQuery </h1> <p> This is a sentence </p> <button class = 'hideClass'> Hide </button> <button class = 'showClass'> Show </button> <script> $('button.hideClass').click( function() { $('p').hide(); }); $('button.showClass').click( function() { $('p').show(); }); </script> </body> </html>
So, in the above example, we have a <p> element,
<p> This is a sentence </p>
And two <button> elements,
The first button is used to hide the element.
<button class = 'hideClass'> Hide </button>
And the second button is used to show the hidden element.
<button class = 'showClass'> Show </button>
We have already seen, how the hide effect works.
Now, let us see, how the show effect can be used to show the hidden element.
So, on Hide button click, the <p> element gets hidden.
<p> This is a sentence </p>
Now, to unhide the above <p> element, we have the below JQuery code,
$('button.showClass').click( function() { $('p').show(); });
And JQuery locates the <p> element,
And unhides the <p> element using show() effect.
Now, let's say, you want to display a message, stating the element is visible. You can achieve it using a callback function.
<html> <head> <title> My First Programme </title> <script src = ""> </script> </head> <body> <h1> JQuery </h1> <p> This is a sentence </p> <button class = 'hideClass'> Hide </button> <button class = 'showClass'> Show </button> <script> $('button.hideClass').click( function() { $('p').hide(); }); $('button.showClass').click( function() { $('p').show(1000, function() { alert("The element is visible") }); }); </script> </body> </html>
So, in the above JQuery statement,
$('button.showClass').click( function() { $('p').show(1000, function() { alert("The element is visible") }); });
Along with the show() effect, we have used the show speed as the first parameter and callback function as the second parameter.
Now, if you see the callback function,
function() { alert("The element is visible") }
It displays an alert,
alert("The element is visible")
That the element is visible.
In simple words, on button click the <p> element is hidden in 1000 milliseconds and once the <p> element is completely visible, we get the alert, The element is visible.