
EFFECTS - slideToggle()

The toggle() Effect is a combination of slideUp and slideDown effect. i.e. Hides the visible element using slide up effect and if the element is hidden, makes it visible using slide down effect.

Example :

    	<title> My First Programme </title>
    	<script src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/JQUERY/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"> </script>

    	<h1> JQuery </h1>
    	<button> Show/Hide </button> 
        	In a huge pond,  <br/>
            there lived many fish. <br/>
			They were arrogant and <br/>
            never listened to anyone.<br/>            
			$('button').click( function() { 

Output :

So, in the above example, we have a <p> element,

	In a huge pond,  <br/>
	there lived many fish. <br/>
	They were arrogant and <br/>
	never listened to anyone.<br/>

And a <button> element,

<button> Show/Hide </button>

And on buton click, the JQuery action gets triggered,

$('button').click( function() {

And the slideToggle() effect gets triggered. So if the <p> element is hidden, it shows it and it the <p> element is visible, it hides it.

Similarly, you can use the speed and callback function with toggle() effect.