The empty() method in JQuery is used to delete the child elements from an HTML element.
<html> <head> <title> My First Programme </title> </head> <body> <h1> JQuery </h1> <div class = "outerClass" style = "background-color : violet; height : 130px"> Inside outer div class <div class = "innerClass" style = "background-color : orange; height: 100px"> Inside inner div class <p style = "background-color : green"> New Code </p> </div> </div> <button> Click to delete </button> <script src = ""> </script> <script> $('button').click( function() { $('.outerClass').empty(); }); </script> </body> </html>
So, in the above code, we have two <div> elements and a <p> element,
<div class = "outerClass" style = "background-color : violet; height : 130px"> Inside outer div class <div class = "innerClass" style = "background-color : orange; height: 100px"> Inside inner div class <p style = "background-color : green"> New Code </p> </div> </div>
And the DOM structure for the above <div>'s and <p> element is,
So, if we look at the DOM structure, there is a parent <div> with class name outerClass. And inside it there are two elements, a text element (i.e. Inside outer div class) and another <div> with class name innerClass.
And the inner <div> with class name innerClass has two elements, a text element (i.e. Inside inner div class) and another <p> element with text New Code.
We have put style = "background-color : violet; height : 130px" in the outer <div>,
<div class = "outerClass" style = "background-color : violet; height : 130px">
To represent a violet box.
Now, if you look at the JQuery statement,
$('button').click( function() { $('.outerClass').empty(); });
We have called the empty() method on the outer <div> with class name outerClass,
And if you see the output, on click all the children of outer <div> gets deleted.
But the important thing to note is the outer <div> itself doesn't get deleted,
<div class = "outerClass" style = "background-color : violet; height : 130px">
And how do you understand that?
Just take a look at the violet box. Everything is deleted but the violet box is left. The violet box is the <div> with class = "outerClass".
And that is because the empty() method deletes the children of the selected element but doesn't delete the element itself.
Now let us take the same example using remove() method.
<html> <head> <title> My First Programme </title> </head> <body> <h1> JQuery </h1> <div class = "outerClass" style = "background-color : violet; height : 130px"> Inside outer div class <div class = "innerClass" style = "background-color : orange; height: 100px"> Inside inner div class <p style = "background-color : green"> New Code </p> </div> </div> <button> Click to delete </button> <script src = ""> </script> <script> $('button').click( function() { $('.outerClass').remove(); }); </script> </body> </html>
Now, if you see the output, the elements along with the violet box got removed. That is because the remove() method deletes the actual element along with its child element.