The wrap() method in JQuery is used to wrap an element across a selected HTML element.
<html> <head> <title> My First Programme </title> </head> <style> div {background-color: violet;} </style> <body> <h1> JQuery </h1> <p> New Code </p> <button> Click Here to Wrap </button> <script src = ""> </script> <script> $('button').click( function() { $('p').wrap("<div> </div>"); }); </script> </body> </html>
So, in the above code, we have a <p> element,
<p> New Code </p>
And we want to wrap the <div> element around the <p> element on button click. So that it looks somewhat like,
<div style = "background-color: violet"> <p> New Code </p> </div>
And on button click, the below JQuery statement gets triggered,
$('button').click( function() { $('p').wrap("<div> </div>"); });
And there is the wrap() method, that wraps the <div> element around the <p> element.
$('p').wrap("<div> </div>");
Just note that the style property for <div> is declared within the <style> tags.
<style> div {background-color: violet;} </style>
And if you see the output, on button click, the color of the <p> element,
New Code
Changes to violet.
There are also other methods that helps wrap HTML elements. Those are wrapAll(), wrapInner() and unwrap().