

What happens if you have not written anything inside 'for' or 'while loop' or 'if block'?

Example :

for x in "Hello World":

Output :

  SyntaxError : unexpected EOF while parsing

Well! It ended up with an Error.

But why do we not specify anything inside the 'for loop'? Isn't the 'for loop' meant to perform some task?

Well! Maybe we want to write the code later. For the current moment we want to keep it empty.

And in such cases. The 'pass' statement comes to rescue.

So, let us rewrite the above example of empty 'for loop' using 'pass' statement.

'pass' statement in 'for loop'

Example :

for x in "Hello World":

Output :

So, with the 'pass' statement, you can correct the above 'for loop'.

'pass' statement in 'while loop'

Example :

x = 5
while x < 5:

Output :

And the above statement haven't ended up with an error.

'pass' statement in 'while loop'

Example :

x = 2
if x < 4:

Output :

Similarly, the above statement haven't ended up with an error.