

Meta-Characters are the characters that is used by 'Regex' to treat it in a different way.

So, we will be taking the String, 'Beautiful Nature',


And use all the Meta-Characters, to search for different patterns in the String.

Let us look at the different Meta-Characters, we can use :

  1. '^' Symbol

    The '^' symbol is used to check if a String starts with a certain character or characters.

    Say for example, let us take the above String,

    "Beautiful Nature"

    And let us check if the above String, starts with the letter 'B' or 'Bea'.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("^B", str)
    if x:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: starts with B")
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: does not start with B")
    y = re.findall("^Bea", str)
    if y:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: starts with Bea")
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: does not start with Bea")

    Output :

      The String :: Nature:: starts with B
      The String ::Beautiful Nature:: starts with Bea

    So, in the above example, we have taken the String 'Beautiful Nature' and initialised it to a variable 'str'.

    str = "Beautiful Nature"


    So, at first we have checked, if the above String starts with the letter 'B'.

    And this is where we have used the function 'findall( )'.

    x = re.findall("^B", str)

    So, the 'findall( )' Function accepts two arguments, the pattern and the actual String.


    Now, let us come to the '^' Symbol, which is used in the pattern,


    That actually says, "Check if the String starts with the letter B".

    And in this case the String starts with 'B'. So, the control enters the blocks of 'if' statement,

    if x:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: starts with B")  

    And prints the value,

    The String :: Nature:: starts with B

    Similarly, we have used the '^' Symbol in the next line,

    y = re.findall("^Bea", str)

    To check, if the String begins with 'Bea'.


    And in this case, the String begins with 'Bea'. So, the control enters the blocks of 'if',

    if y:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: starts with Bea")    

    And the below output is printed on the screen,

    The String :: Nature:: starts with Bea

    Example Description
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("^e", str)
    There is no match as the String doesn't
    begin with 'e'. But it begins with 'B'
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("^Bae", str)
    There is no match as the String doesn't
    begin with 'Bae'.
  2. '$' Symbol

    The '$' symbol is used to check if a String ends with a certain character or characters.

    Say for example, let us take the above String,

    "Beautiful Nature"

    And let us check if the above String, ends with the letter 'e' or 'ture'.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("e$", str)
    if x:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with e")
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: does not end with e")
    y = re.findall("ture$", str)
    if y:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with ture")
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: does not end with ture")

    Output :

      The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with e
      The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with ture

    So, in the above example, we have taken the String 'Beautiful Nature' and initialised it to a variable 'str'.

    str = "Beautiful Nature"

    So, at first we have checked, if the above String ends with the letter 'e'.

    x = re.findall("e$", str)

    That actually says, "Check if the String ends with the letter e".

    And in this case the String ends with 'e'. So, the control enters the blocks of 'if' statement,

    if x:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with e")   

    And prints the value,

    The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with e

    Similarly, we have used the '^' Symbol in the next line,

    y = re.findall("ture$", str)

    To check, if the String ends with 'ture'.


    And in this case, the String ends with 'ture'. So, the control enters the blocks of 'if',

    if y:
        print("The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with ture")  

    And the below output is printed on the screen,

    The String ::Beautiful Nature:: ends with ture

    Example Description
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("B$", str)
    There is no match as the String doesn't
    end with 'B'. But it ends with 'e'
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("tur$", str)
    There is no match as the String doesn't
    ends with 'tur'.
  3. '.' Symbol

    The '.' symbol is used to check if a String matches any character except a new line.

    Say for example, let us take the above String,

    "Beautiful Nature"

    And let us say, you know there is a String but you forgot the spelling of 'Beautiful'.You can remember it is, 'Beaut' and it ends with an 'l'.

    In such case '.' operator comes to rescue. Just substitute the unknown characters with '.'. And you can search for the actual String.


    The above '.' dots will be replaced by the actual value.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Beautiful Nature"
    x = re.findall("Beaut...l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

       The string is : ['Beautiful']

    So, in the above example, we have taken the String 'Beautiful Nature' and initialised it to a variable 'str'.

    str = "Beautiful Nature"

    And checked, if at all there is a word, that starts with 'Beaut' and ends with an 'l'.

    x = re.findall("Beaut...l", str)

    And Python checks the actual String,


    And finds that there is a word, 'Beautiful' that starts with 'Beaut' and ends with an 'l'.And the three dots '.' could be replaced by 'i', 'f' and 'u'.


    So, the word 'Beautiful' is fetched and put to the variable 'x'.

    x = re.findall("Beaut...l", str)


    Note : You have to put the exact number of dots '.' as the number of characters, else the pattern won't return the exact String.

    And the print statement,

    print("The string is :",x)

    Prints the List,

    The string is : ['Beautiful']

    Example Description
    str = "Hello"
    x = re.findall(".....", str)
    There is a match as the String has a 5
    letter word 'Hello' that matches with
    the 5 '.'s
    str = "Beautiful"
    x = re.findall(".....", str)
    There is no match as the String
    'Beautiful' is a 9 letter word that
    doesn't match 5 '.'s
  4. '+' Symbol

    The '+' is used to check one or more occurrences of a pattern.

    Let us take a different String to understand the '+' Symbol,

    "Cool Guy"

    And let us say, you know there is a String but you forgot the spelling of 'Cool'.
    And you are confused, if there is one 'o' or two 'o's in the string 'Cool'.

    In such case '+' Symbol comes to rescue. Just place the '+' symbol after 'o'.


    And no matter, how many 'o's are there. The exact String would be returned.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co+l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

      The string is : ['Cool']

    So, in the above example, we have checked, if at all there is a word, that starts with 'Co' and ends with an 'l'. No matter how many 'o's are there.

    x = re.findall("Co+l", str)

    And Python checks the actual String,

    And finds that there is a word, 'Cool' that starts with 'Co' and ends with an 'l'.And there is one 'o' that can be substituted.

    So, the word 'Cool' is fetched and put to the variable 'x'.

    x = re.findall("Co+l", str)


    And the print statement,

    print("The string is :",x)

    Prints the value of 'x' as List,

    The string is : ['Cool']

    Even if there were multiple 'o's in the String. The match would be found.

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cooooool Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co+l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

       The string is : ['Cooooool']

    Example Description
    str = "Heo"
    x = re.findall("Hel+o", str)
    There is no match as the String 'Heo'
    doesn't have an 'l' in it.
  5. '*' Symbol

    The '*' is same as '+' Symbol with a mild difference. It is used to check zero or more occurrences of a pattern.

    Let us take the below String to understand the '*' Symbol,

    "Cool Guy"

    And let us say, you know there is a String but you forgot the spelling of 'Cool'.
    And you are confused, if there is one 'o' or two 'o's in the string 'Cool'.

    In such case '*' Symbol comes to rescue. Just place the '*' symbol after 'o'.


    And no matter, how many 'o's are present. The exact String would be returned.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co*l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

      The string is : ['Cool']

    So, in the above code, we have checked, if at all there is a word, that starts with 'Co' and ends with an 'l'. No matter how many 'o's are there.

    x = re.findall("Co*l", str)

    And Python checks the actual String,

    And finds that there is a word, 'Cool' that starts with 'Co' and ends with an 'l'.And there is one 'o' that can be substituted.

    So, the word 'Cool' is fetched and put to the variable 'x'.

    x = re.findall("Co*l", str)


    And the print statement,

    print("The string is :",x)

    Prints the value of 'x' as List,

    The string is : ['Cool']

    So, how is '*' Symbol different from '+' Symbol?

    Let us consider the String where there is no 'o's at all in the String.

    "Cl Guy"

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cl Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co*l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

      The string is : ['Cl']

    That is because the '*' Symbol searches for zero or more occurrences.

    So, the String,

    str = "Cl Guy"

    Doesn't have any 'o's in it. Still the pattern,

    x = re.findall("Co*l", str)

    Is able to search the String 'Cl'.

    Example Description
    str = "Heleo"
    x = re.findall("Hel*o", str)
    There is no match as the String 'Heleo'
    has an 'e' between 'l' and 'o'.
    str = "Helo"
    x = re.findall("Hel*o", str)
    There is a match as the String 'Helo'
    has one 'l' in it.
  6. '?' Symbol

    The '?' is same as '+' and '*' Symbol with a mild difference. It is used to check zero or exactly one occurrences in a pattern.

    Let us take the below String to understand the '?' Symbol,

    "Cool Guy"

    So, at first, let us understand, how is '?' Symbol different from '+' and '*' Symbol.

    And as we have done for the '*' Symbol, you know there is a String but you forgot the spelling of 'Cool'.

    Let's see, how '?' symbol responds in such case.


    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co?l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

       The string is : [ ]

    And we got an empty List.

    This is because the below line,

    x = re.findall("Co?l", str)

    Searches for the pattern 'Co?l'.

    And '?' Symbol searches for zero or one occurrence of 'o'(i.e. 'Co?l'). But in the String 'Cool Guy', The substring 'Cool' has two 'o's. So it returns nothing.

    So, when should '?' Symbol find a match.

    Let us consider the String where there is no 'o's or 1 'o' in the String.

    "Cl Guy"


    "Col Guy"

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cl Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co?l", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

      The string is : ['Cl']

    Example Description
    str = "Heleo"
    x = re.findall("Hel?o", str)
    There is no match as the String 'Heleo'
    has an 'e' between 'l' and 'o'.
    str = "Hello"
    x = re.findall("Hel?o", str)
    There is no match as the String 'Hello'
    has two 'l's in it.
  7. '|' Symbol

    The '|' is like 'OR'.

    Say for example, let us take the String,

    "Cool Guy"

    And let us say, you want to check, how many times 'o' and 'u' is there in the string?

    In such case '|' Symbol is the option. Just give the option of 'u|o'(i.e. 'u' or 'o').


    And no matter, where 'u' or 'o' is. Python finds them.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("u|o", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

      The string is : ['o', 'o', 'u']

    So, in the above example, we have checked, how many times 'o' and 'u' is there in the string?

    x = re.findall("u|o", str)

    And Python checks the actual String,

    And finds that there is a word, 'Cool' has two 'o's and the word, 'Guy' has one 'u'.

    Now, if you see the output,

    The string is : ['o', 'o', 'u']

    The List 'x' has three items in it. i.e. 'o', 'o' and 'u'.

    We can also search for a String using '|' Symbol.

    Say for example, you forgot if the String is 'Cool Guy' or 'Fool Guy'.

    In that case we can use the '|' operator.

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("Cool|Fool", str)
    print("The string is :",x)

    Output :

      The string is : ['Cool']

    So, in the above code we wanted to check, if the String 'Cool Guy'.

    str = "Cool Guy"

    Contains the word, 'Cool' or 'Fool'.

    x = re.findall("Cool|Fool", str)

    And since, there is just one match for 'Cool'. The variable 'x' would have one item in the List i.e. 'Cool'.

    Example Description
    str = "Heleo"
    x = re.findall("P|u", str)
    There is no match as the String 'Heleo'
    has no 'P' or 'u' in it.
  8. '( )' Symbol

    The '( )' is used to group Substrings.

    Say for example, let us take a different String,

    "Cool Owl"

    Now, let us say, you want to check, how many times the letters 'w' or 'o' is followed by the letter 'l'.

    In such case '( )' Symbol is the option.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Owl"
    x = re.findall("(w|o)l", str)
    print("The elements in the List are :",x)

    Output :

       The elements in the List are : ['o', 'w']

    So, in the above example, we have checked, how many times the letters 'w' or 'o' is followed by the letter 'l'.

    x = re.findall("(w|o)l", str)

    And we have placed the letters 'w' and 'o' inside the '( )' Symbol. Also if you note, we have used the '|' (i.e. 'or') Symbol.

    Now, Python checks the actual String, and tries to find a match where the the letters 'w' or 'o' is followed by the letter 'l'.


    And finds that there is are two words, 'Cool' and 'Owl'.

    Where 'o' is followed by 'l' in 'Cool'. And 'w' is followed by 'l' in 'Owl'.

    Now, if you see the output,

    The elements in the List are : ['o', 'w']

    The List 'x' has two items in it. i.e. 'o' and 'w'. First element 'o' is the match for Cool. And the second match 'w' is the match for 'Owl'.

    Example Description
    str = "Hello Mellow Howl"
    x = re.findall("(l|H)o", str)
    There is 3 matches as the String
    'Hello Mellow Howl' has 'lo', 'lo' &
    str = "Hello"
    x = re.findall("(H|e)o", str)
    There is no match as the String 'Hello'
    has no match for 'Ho' or 'eo'.
  9. '{ }' Symbol

    The '{ }' is used to match the exact number of occurrences of a letter in a String.

    Say for example, let us take the String,

    "Cool Guy"

    Now, let us say, you want to check, if the letter 'C' is followed by two 'o's.

    In such case '{ }' Symbol is the option.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("Co{2}", str)
    print("The element in the List is :",x)

    Output :

      The element in the List is : ['Coo']

    So, in the above example, we have checked, if the letter 'C' is followed by two 'o's.

    x = re.findall("Co{2}", str)

    And we have placed the number '2' inside the '{ }' Symbol.

    Now, Python checks the actual String, and tries to find a match where the letter 'C' is followed by two 'o's.


    And finds that there is are one match, 'Coo'.

    Now, if you see the output,

    The element in the List is : ['Coo']

    There is just one match i.e. 'Coo'.

    Next, let us take another String.

    "Cool owl"

    Now, let us say, you want to check, if the String has one 'o' or two 'o's.

    In such case, we will use the '{ }' Symbol with two numbers.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool owl"
    x = re.findall("o{1,2}", str)
    print("The elements in the List are :",x)

    Output :

      The elements in the List are : ['oo', 'o']

    So, in the above example, we have checked, if the String,

    str = "Cool owl"

    Has one 'o' or two 'o's.

    x = re.findall("o{1,2}", str)

    So, in the above example, we have checked, if the String,

    Now, Python checks the actual String, and tries to find a match where the letter 'o' is present once or twice.


    Now, if you see the output,

    The elements in the List are : ['oo', 'o']

    The List 'x' has two items in it. i.e. 'oo' and 'o'. First element 'oo' is the match for 'Cool'. And the second match 'o' is the match for 'owl'.
  10. '[ ]' Symbol

    The '[ ]' is used to match a set of characters in a String.

    Say for example, let us take the String,

    "Cool Guy"

    Now, let us say, you want to check, if the letters 'o', 'G', 'z' and 'y' are present in the String or not.

    In such case '[ ]' Symbol is the option.

    Let us see in the below example,

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "Cool Guy"
    x = re.findall("[oGzy]", str)
    print("The elements in the List are :",x)

    Output :

      The elements in the List are : ['o', 'o', 'G', 'y']

    So, in the above example, we have checked, if the letters 'o', 'G', 'z' and 'y' are present in the String or not.

    x = re.findall("[oGzy]", str)

    And we have placed all the letters 'o', 'G', 'z' and 'y' inside the '[ ]' Symbol.

    Now, Python checks the actual String, and tries to find a match for all the letters 'o','G', 'z' and 'y' inside the '[ ]'


    And finds that there is are four matches.

    Now, if you see the output,

    The elements in the List are : ['o', 'o', 'G', 'y']

    There is just one match i.e. 'Coo'.

    You can find that there are four matches. i.e. Two match for 'o', and one match for 'G' and 'y'. But no match for 'z' as 'z' is not present in the String.

    1. Use of '-' with '[ ]'

      We can use '-' with the '[ ]' symbol. Which is short form of 'to'.

      The below pattern:


      Says, search for all the characters from 'a' to 'f'(i.e. 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' and 'f').

      Similarly, the pattern :

      [0 - 100]

      Says, to search for all the numbers from '0' to '100'.

      Also, the pattern :


      Says, to search all the numbers from '00' to '99'

    2. Use of '^' with '[ ]'

      We can also use '^' with the '[ ]' symbol. Which is short form of 'not'.

      The below pattern:


      Says, search for all the characters except the letters 'o', 'G', 'z' and 'y'.

      Example :

      import re 
      str = "Cool Guy"
      x = re.findall("[^oGzy]", str)
      print("The elements in the List are :",x)

      Output :

        The elements in the List are : ['C', 'l', ' ', 'u']

      So, if you see the above output, only the letters 'o', 'G', 'z' and 'y' are excluded from the String 'Cool Guy'.
  11. '\' Symbol

    '\' Symbol is said to be an escape character.

    Say for example, you have a sentence,

    How are you?

    And you are supposed to search if there is a question mark(i.e. '?') after the substring 'you'(i.e. 'you?')

    But as we have seen '?' is a Meta-Character.

    Now, if you don't want '?' to behave as a Meta-Character. You can use '\' Symbol before it.

    Let us see in the below example :

    At first let us see, what happens if you don't put the escape symbol '\'

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "How are you?"
    x = re.findall("you?$", str)
    print("The elements in the List are :",x)

    Output :

      The elements in the List are : [ ]

    So, all we have done is, checked if the String 'How are you?'.

    str = "How are you?"

    Ends with 'you?'.

    x = re.findall("you?$", str)

    But if you see the output, we got an empty list.

    The elements in the List are : [ ]

    That is because '?' is a Meta-Character. So, it gets confused and returns nothing.

    Let's correct it in the below example.

    Example :

    import re 
    str = "How are you?"
    x = re.findall("you\?$", str)
    print("The elements in the List are :",x)

    Output :

       The elements in the List are : ['you?']

    And as we can see, we have just placed the escape symbol '\' before '?'.

    x = re.findall("you\?$", str)

    So that '?' is not treated as a Meta-Character.

    And we got the desired output.

    The elements in the List are : ['you?']

    We will learn more examples with '\' in the next tutorial, special sequences.