
SELECTORS - Multiple Class Selector

The Multiple Class Selector is used to select multiple elements with multiple class names.

Example :

    	<title> My First Programme </title>

    	<h1> JQuery </h1>
    	<p class = "para1"> First Paragraph </p>
    	<p class = "para2"> Second Paragraph </p>
    	<p class = "para3"> Third Paragraph </p>
    	<script src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/JQUERY/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"> </script>
			$('p.para1, p.para2').text("My New First Paragraph");

Output :

So, if you see the above output. We can see that the content of the first <p> tag,

<p class = "para1"> First Paragraph </p>

And the second <p> tag,

<p class = "para2"> Second Paragraph </p>

Got changed to My New First Paragraph.

And this happened with the one liner code of JQuery.

	$('p.para1, p.para2').text("My New First Paragraph");

In the JQuery code we have located the <p> element and specified the class name followed by .' i.e. p.para1 and p.para2.


Just remember, in the class selector, the class name should start with a dot '.' i.e. p.para1.

The above JQuery code can also be written as,

$('.para1').text("My New First Paragraph");

So, when JQuery finds that a selector starts with a dot '.' (i.e. .para1), it assumes that we ar searching for a CSS class.

And finds that there are three elements with class attribute.

<p class = "para1"> First Paragraph </p>
<p class = "para2"> Second Paragraph </p>
<p class = "para3"> Third Paragraph </p>

And the first attribute,

<p class = "para1"> First Paragraph </p>

And the second attribute,

<p class = "para2"> Second Paragraph </p>

Matches with the class name para1 and para2. And changes its content with My New First Paragraph.

Example :

    	<title> My First Programme </title>

    	<h1> JQuery </h1>
    	<p class = "para1"> First Paragraph </p>
    	<p class = "para2"> Second Paragraph </p>
    	<p class = "para3"> Third Paragraph </p>
    	<script src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/JQUERY/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"> </script>
			$('.para1, .para2').text("My New First Paragraph");

Output :