
CSS - Comments

There are scenarios where you want to write a piece of text or comments in CSS and not getit rendered in a webpage. It is possible using '/* */'.

Whatever you write inside '/*' and '*/' are ignored by the web browsers. You can put acomment where you can specify what your CSS property is all about.

Example :

		p {
  			color: red;
  			font-size:40px; /* This is used to increase the size of the text */

		This is the first paragraph.

Output :

So, as you can see in the above example, the text This is used to increase the size of the text is ignored by the web browser. Because it is inside /* and */.

	p {
		color: red;
		font-size:40px; /* This is used to increase the size of the text */

You can specify the comments anywhere in the CSS enclosed inside /* and */ and it wouldbe ignored by the web browser.