
CSS - Font Style

The Font Style or the font-style property in CSS is used to make the text in italic(i.e. Slightly tilted text).

Font Style in CSS

Usually the font-style property in CSS is used to apply the style italic to the text. It has three values,

  1. normal

    Which keeps the text as is.

  2. italic

    Which makes the text in italic.

  3. oblique

    Which is quite similar to italic but is not widely used.

Let us understand Font Style with the below example.

Example of Font Style in CSS

Example :

		p {
  			font-style: italic;
		This is the first paragraph.

Output :

So, if you look at the above example, we have defined the Font Style, setting the font-style as italic.

	p {
		font-style: italic;

And if you look at the above output, the text is a little tilted giving it italic effect.