

Say for example, you have saved a long paragraph in a file. And you want to search if a particular block of String is present in it or not.

Or maybe you have stored some data in a Collection(Say, List, Set e.t.c.).

Well! We have seen some ways of searching the data. But now, let us see a better one.

And as said, Regex provides a better searching experience with some pattern.

Note : Don't get panicked by the below Functions. We will provide a detailed explanation for the below Functions, once we start learning the Regex patterns.

To work with Regex, we need a few functions that Kotlin offers.

They are:

  1. findall()

    findall() Function returns the searched results as an Array.

  2. find()

    find() Function returns a Match Result if the pattern is matched.

  3. split()

    split() Function returns the searched results as an Array, splitted by the search pattern.

  4. replace()

    replace() Function is used to replace the searched pattern with a given text.

In the next tutorial, let us look Regex Patterns and see how the above Functions works.