

How to update the entries of a Map?

Let us say, we have a Map that contains,

5, Is a Number
John, Is a Name
Kotlin, Is a Language

As Key and Value pair.

Now, let us say, we want to update the value of the Key, 5 with Is an one digit number.

5, Is an one digit number

Where 5 is the Key and Is an one digit number is the new Value.

We can update the entries of a Map using two ways:

  1. Assigning the Value directly by using the Key.

  2. Using the put() Function.

Let us see in the below example using the first way.

Example :

fun main() {

    var x = mutableMapOf(5 to "Is a Number", "John" to "Is a Name", "Kotlin" to "Is a Language")
    x[5] = "Is an one digit number"

Output :

  {5=Is an one digit number, John=Is a Name, Kotlin=Is a Language}

So, in the above code we have created a Map using mutableMapOf() and Key and Value pairs.

var x = mutableMapOf(5 to "Is a Number", "John" to "Is a Name", "Kotlin" to "Is a Language")

And initialised to the variable x.


Now, we are supposed to update the value of the Key, 5 with Is an one digit number.

So, we have used the below way to update it.

x[5] = "Is an one digit number"

And the entry for the Key 5 is updated in the Map.


And we get the below output,

Output :

  {5=Is an one digit number, John=Is a Name, Kotlin=Is a Language}

Let us see the second way of updating the Key Value using the put() Function.

Example :

fun main() {

    var x = mutableMapOf(5 to "Is a Number", "John" to "Is a Name", "Kotlin" to "Is a Language")
    x.put(5, "Is an one digit number")

Output :

  {5=Is an one digit number, John=Is a Name, Kotlin=Is a Language}

So, in the above code we have created a Map using mutableMapOf and Key and Value pairs.

var x = mutableMapOf(5 to "Is a Number", "John" to "Is a Name", "Kotlin" to "Is a Language")

And initialised to the variable x.


Now, we are supposed to update the value of the Key, 5 with Is an one digit number.

So, we have used the below way to update it.

x.put(5, "Is an one digit number")

And the entry for the Key 5 is updated in the Map.


And we get the below output,

Output :

  {5=Is an one digit number, John=Is a Name, Kotlin=Is a Language}