

Example :

public class AdjacencyMatrixGraph {

    void insertEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j) {

        adjacentMatrix[i,j] = true;

    void removeEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j) {

        adjacentMatrix[i,j] = false;

    void printAdjacencyMatrix(bool[,] adjacentMatrix) {

        for (int i = 0; i < adjacentMatrix.GetLength(0); i++) {

            for (int j = 0; j < adjacentMatrix.GetLength(1); j++) {

                int val = adjacentMatrix[i,j]?1:0;
                System.Console.Write("|    "+val+"     |");
            System.Console.WriteLine( );

    public static void Main(string[] args) {

        AdjacencyMatrixGraph adjacencyMatrixGraph = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph();

        int V = 5;

        bool[,] adjacentMatrix = new bool[V, V];

        //Insert Edges

        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 1);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 2);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 3);

        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 1, 0);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 1 ,4);

        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 2, 0);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 2, 3);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 2, 4);

        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 3, 0);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 3 ,2);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 3, 4);

        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 4, 3);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 4, 2);
        adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 4, 1);

		System.Console.WriteLine( "+----------------------------------------------------------+");
        System.Console.WriteLine( "+----------------------------------------------------------+");


Output :


   +----------------------------------------------------------+     | 0 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 0 |     | 1 || 0 || 0 || 0 || 1 |     | 1 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 1 |     | 1 || 0 || 1 || 0 || 1 |     | 0 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 0 |     +----------------------------------------------------------+

Code explanation for Adjacency Matrix Data Structure

The code for Adjacency Matrix is quite simple.

There are two important methods defined above :

  1. void insertEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j)

  2. void removeEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j)

As the name of the method suggests insertEdge(...), is used to add an Edge to the Adjacency Matrix.

Explanation of 'void insertEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j)' method :

void insertEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j) {

	adjacentMatrix[i,j] = true;


So, the actual adjacency matrix, we are going to create, looks like the below structure,


Now, if we look at the main(...) method. We create a 2D array, that holds either true or false.

int V =5;
bool[,] adjacentMatrix = new bool[V][V];

So, the above line creates a 2D array with 5 rows and 5 columns that initially contains false.


Now, all we need to do is, wherever we want to insert an edge. We will mark it with value true.

Say, for example :

There is an edge in [0][1] (As mentioned in the adjacency matrix above).

All we are doing is, calling the void insertEdge(...) method,

adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 1);

and passing 0 and 1 as parameters.

And in the void insertEdge(...) method, we have the below line,

adjacentMatrix[i,j] = true;

Now, since value of i = 0 and j = 1,

adjacentMatrix[0][1] = true;

And adjacentMatrix[0][1] is marked to true.


In other words, we have inserted an edge in adjacentMatrix[0][1] above.

Similarly, we insert the edges one by one, calling the void insertEdge(...) method.

adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 2);
adjacencyMatrixGraph.insertEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 3);

Explanation of 'void removeEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j)' method :

Even, to delete an Edge, we follow the same steps.

As we know, there is an Edge in [0][2]. To remove it, all we need to do is call,

adjacencyMatrixGraph.removeEdge(adjacentMatrix, 0, 2);

And mark that particular location to false.

void removeEdge(bool[,] adjacentMatrix, int i, int j) {

	adjacentMatrix[i,j] = false;


And the Edge is deleted.